- 1. Male or female 18 to 64 years of age, inclusive, at Screening
- 2. Body weight in the range of ≥ 50 kg and ≤ 100 kg, with a body mass index of ≥ 18 kg/m2 and ≤ 30 kg/m2, at Screening
- 3. Judged as healthy by an Investigator after completion of a comprehensive clinical assessment
- 4. Capable of providing written informed consent and willing and able to adhere to all protocol requirements
- 5. Can understand the nature, scope, and possible consequences of the study and able to comply with study procedures, restrictions, and requirements
- 6. Able to provide proof of vaccination against meningococcal disease according to local requirements or willing to receive meningococcal vaccination aligned with local guidelines (vaccination with recombinant meningococcal B vaccine against B serogroup \[Men B\] and quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine against A, C, W, and Y serogroups \[Men ACWY\]), at least 21 days before the first dose of CSL040
- 7. Continuous nonsmoker who has not used nicotine- and tobacco-containing products for at least 30 days prior to the first dosing based on urine cotinine testing at Screening and Day-1
Complement Deficiencies
First-In-Human Study To Evaluate The Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, And Pharmacodynamics Of Escalating Single And Multiple Doses Of CSL040 In Healthy Subjects
First-In-Human Study To Evaluate The Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, And Pharmacodynamics Of Escalating Single And Multiple Doses Of CSL040 In Healthy Subjects
Trial Information
If interested, contact clinicaltrials@cslbehring.com for more information
CSL Behring respects your privacy. For an explanation of how CSL Behring will use the information you are submitting, please view our Privacy Policy
Nucleus Network Pty Ltd
Study Eligibility Criteria
Additional Studies
Additional studies can be found at ClinicalTrials.gov